Thursday, January 9, 2014

Blog 11: Mentorship 10 Hours

1. Where are you doing your mentorship?
San Dimas Community Hospital

2. Who is your contact?
Michael Bravo - Volunteer Service Coordinator

3. How many total hours have you done?
40 hours

4. Summarize 10 hours of service you did.
I was really nervous and excited to begin volunteering at the hospital. I had never worked a desk before so it took me awhile to get the hang of it. My job was to intercept calls from patients' rooms and figure out what they wanted; whether it was a blanket, water, meds, assistance, etc. I then called either the RN, LVN, or CNA depending on what they needed and directed them to the patient.
The next 2 weeks, in addition to taking calls from patient rooms, I helped assist the day shift transition to night. I prepared binders before they were filled up with the sensitive documents of incoming patients. I also wrote down the assignments (extension #s and patients assigned to) for nurses on the white board. During transition time I got numerous calls from patients which was stressful because all the AM nurses are briefing the PM nurses on their patients so there was no one to assist them. I also completed my 2nd interview with one of the RNs. It can be difficult to stop and chat with the nurses when they have to continuously move from room to room accommodating patients with their needs. 

5. Email your house teacher the name of your contact and their phone number confirming who they should call to verify it.

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